The Ground Project

Richmond / USA / Virginia /
CEPT University

“And those that labor – maybe you’ll let their workgrip them for another five hours, or seven before you become forest again, and water, and widening wilderness,” ( Reiner Maria Rilke (Translation Joanna Macy))

The project begins with an emphasize on Reiner’s words to the ground and the optimism his lines “before you become forest again,and water, and widening wilderness” bring in to represent nature’s inherent capacity to regenerate. A similar hope is what drives this project. It is a deeper inquiry to explore the possible alternatives to depleted lands created because of human dependencies — ash ponds, byproduct of burning coal

Post Industrial sites have left a mark on our surrounding causing more harm than we can imagine. With the shift towards renewable energy sector, it is time to rethink how sites which have catered to human wastes for so many years can be given back to nature.