When Plaza is Primitive

Yonkers / New York / USA /
Keren Dillard /

The city of Yonkers at the present moment, like many former industrial cities across the US, is in the process of undergoing widespread gentrification. In this gentrification process is the redevelopment of many forgotten spaces into high-rise apartments and the like. The Abraham Cohen plaza is a space at the crux of industry, residencies and the Metro North Train Hudson Line leading to Grand Central and northern Westchester County, yet this site is desolate and void of activity. Current proposals for the site have all been to remove this snippet of public space or to solely add greenery, assuming that would change the situation. This project aims to change the public space by offering a piece of public art that would provide agency for the production of a community garden specifically for vine plants, or just a beautiful object that signifies threshold at this entry point of the city.